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An exploration in texture.

Hi! Thanks for visiting! My name is Crystal and I'm a Fashion Designer. I started my design journey in 2015. Well, actually, my love for fashion started at the age of 14, desiring to become a model. Well, that didn't happen lol. I stand 6'0 flat footed and you can imagine how hard it was trying to find clothes to fit. From that point, my love for designing evolved into making my own skirts and dresses. After a while, I was complimented on how much people liked my style and then would asked to create things for them... so here we are! I wanted to start out with masks and headwrap sets so that my customers can get to know me and my style... In the weeks to come, there is a desire to offer more products to everyone: men, women, and children. My dream is to one day own my luxury design house. Here's to one step closer of that dream becoming a reality!